Wednesday, March 31, 2010

program update

Day 3 is complete. I know, it's pebbles, but whatever. It's the start. I'm already learning a whole bunch of new stuff. I'm just glad that I'm actually taking classes that are applicable to the field.

I've been sleeping like crap lately, but I think it's because I've been drinking coffee too late in the afternoon. I'm going to refrain from it today, and see if it was the problem. I also have a very hard time going to sleep, and that's only increased by the anxiety of knowing that I have to get up early in the morning. For the past two nights I have been in a lucid dream state where I was not fully asleep. I just kept tossing and turning. I hope the coffee thing fixes it.

I don't have too much to learn this week, mostly it's just review. Pharmacology will def be the class that will be the hardest, due to the math and me never studying it before. Our teacher, Dr. Shorty, is very interesting and I like listening to him. I respect that he's ridiculously smart. He kind of reminds me of a Lit teacher I had in high school, but I digress.

Well I'm off to get the skrats some food, and stop by home depot wif boyfriend. Later gators :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

the start

Well. Today was uneventful. I woke up at 6 a.m. for the first time, like, ever. I can't even remember the last time I got up while it was still dark out. I will need a solid week of waking up early to get used to it. But, I got jacked up on coffee and that worked fairly well.

I got to school around 7:45, which is 30 mins before my class actually starts. I met Sarah in the parking lot and we walked over to get more coffee and also take a bathroom break (due to excessive coffee intake. Diuretics, sheesh). The classroom was affectionately decorated for the newbies by the about-to-graduate-old-geezer-rt students, and they also kept popping their heads into the classroom to stare/ point and laugh.

Our prof greeted us with about ten thousand forms to fill out. That's all we did. Fill out forms, and go over the schedule/competencies for the classes. We have two instructors plus a few TA's, but we are only going to be taught by one of the professors this quarter because we are newbies. I guess I need to give my teacher a nick name for privacy protection. I'm going to go with a general first impression vibe, and call him Dr. Short, or Shawty for short :) He's pretty laid back, non-weird, intelligent, takes no bull, and has a good sense of humor. I like him already.

I have a long list of things to do/pay for in the coming months, so I'll need to be on my A game to remember them all. Sarah and I decided that our study group will be the same, but we might add another person just to balance it out (me, Cynthia, Sarah, and one more cool person yet to be determined). This quarter won't be too bad considering that we will only meet four days a week from 8:15- 12. I just can't take any more naps :(

I think a few people from the class are already going to start studying today, but I'm still lacking my Pharmacology book (grrrh amazon) so I probably won't start until tomorrow. I might finish reading the first two chapters in Cardiopulm, but that's only if I can wake up and actually concentrate on that. Anywho. I'm off to go find some more coffee.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's time

Finally. Less than 24 hours until it all begins. I really have no idea what to expect tomorrow.

I set my alarm for 6 a.m., and am kind of weirded out by that. I seriously don't think I've been up that early since high school. This week will most likely be pretty brutal because I'll be adjusting to the new schedule. I took some benadryl to help me sleep so I won't be too tired tomorrow.

I have to take care of a few things tomorrow morning such as getting gas, going downstairs to get my Pharmacology book, and hopefully getting something to eat before I sit in class for 4 hours.

I think I'm going to go soak in a bath and read a bit before sleepy time. I'll write up a synopsis of my first day later :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

beyond tired

Hi Hi.

Day three of four day babysitting week is officially underway. It's kind of weird, because I usually have Thursdays off, and getting up this morning was veerry bery hard. I took a shower which did wake me up some, but this morning I have been constantly yawning and two cups of coffee hasn't fixed the problem. Maybe I'm just behind on sleep, and this morning it's catching up to me.

So I kind of figured out my morning schedule for next week. I have to be at school at 8:15 a.m. It takes about ~35 minutes to drive to school (not taking into account traffic), and another 5 mins or so to park and walk in etc. Ideally, I'd leave an hour before school starts, but I could make it work if I left 45 mins before class starts. So. Here's the deal: I HAVE to be awake by 7 a.m. at the very latest. I have to leave the apartment at 7:30 at the very latest. But, if I need time in the morning to shower & eat breakfast then I will have to be up at 6:30 a.m. ArGh. I think as long as I am in bed around 10 p.m. every night I shouldn't be too tired the next day. I guess I'll just have to experiment with the times and see what happens.

I've decided to go to a psychiatrist soon. I'm not depressed, or suicidal, but I would like to be tested for ADD. I have a severe concentration problem, and am completely disorganized. I've taken some online tests and each one came back saying that there was a very high chance that I have ADD. I've always known that I had a problem as a young adult, but I've functioned fairly well with it for the last few years. However, starting next week this program needs my undivided attention, and if I fall slightly behind because of daydreaming, procrastination, or forgetfulness, I'll be in trouble.

Some people argue that ADD is a serious illness, and it needs to be treated with medicine asap. Some people argue that ADD isn't an illness, and is instead just the person's temperament. I don't think I have any sort of mental illness, so I do somewhat side with the temperament theory. I know being an ENFP puts your head out in to the clouds most days. However, I do think medicine will be beneficial to me, and I'm going to try and see if it works for me personally. We shall see, I'll update on it later.

Anywho. It's time for another installation of : What's on TV (as I'm now calling it)

American Idol: I don't need to do a recap, because that would be boring. Instead, I'll just tell you what I think of all the contestants. Christal Bowersox: She will win, and she's amazing. Even if she is subtly cocky. Big Mike: He will make it to the top five, and I want to give him a big hug. Casey: He needs to be in front of a band, simple as that. Katie: Really sweet girl, but doesn't have "it". Didi: Is only this far along because she's pretty and has a good personality. Sioban: Def will be in top three, and could upset Christal for #1 spot. Tim: is another Sanjaya. Please send this guy home next. The little country boy: He needs to fully commit to country, and no, he will not make it much longer. Alex: He was awesome, and now he sucks. Period. My predictions for the top three are: Big Mike, Sioban, and Christal.

LOST. Oh man. Tuesday's Richard Alpert episode was quite a doozy. I can't believe there were so many freaking answers to the questions I've been pondering for quite some time. However I did have one major beef with the show right now. Richard's episode described the island as being the cork that held hell (or evil, or malevolence) captive in a bottle. Richard think's it's just simply purgatory, but I'm not in agreement with that. I think the whole religion theme was lame, mostly because sci-fi dramas (which Lost is, btw) don't drink the christianity coolaid most of the time. I was hoping that the island was a portal, or some sort of alternate reality that existed somewhere else in space (wormhole etc). Alas, I'll still watch it, and I'll still try and figure it out.

Yawn. Ok, so the dinosaur is now awake, so I'm gonna go rouse her. Too bad it's not nice outside today. I would have loved to kill some time at the park today. Ok. Time to go change a poopy diaper m'friends. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Last week

This week is my last with the little dinosaur. She was reaaaally cute when I came in this morning. I wonder if she will still like me even after I stop babysitting her. I hope so...

Anyway. I didn't write much yesterday, just that little blurb on health care reform. I know I did piss some people off on facebook, but seriously I take this stance: I win, you lose. The republicans had eight years to fuck things up, and they did. I think a healthy nation is way more important than cowboy crusades into Muslim countries that now hate us even more for invading. I guess I'm just a liberal peace keeper.

This past weekend was a bit strange. I spent half of it at my parents house in EBF (east bumble fuck if you're wondering) taking care of my crippled mother and helping best friend plan her wedding. Then I came back to ATL on Saturday early evening to go to dinner with Boyfriend. The rest of the weekend was pretty mundane. I'm frantically trying to see/spend time with my friends and family before I get swamped.

This week is going to be a bit hectic. I still need to find out where my Pharmacology book is, get new school supplies, babysit four days this week, learn how not to geek out on two cups of coffee, learn how to wake up before dawn, manage my calendar for the month, go to Athens to see a friend that will be in town, and drink very heavily this weekend. Whew.

I kind of broke down on Sunday over the whole engagement thing with Boyfriend. Up until that point he didn't really know how much I wanted it, other than deflecting a few hints on rings etc. I basically told him how I felt, and that I was angry at myself for wanting such a petty thing. He responded a bit differently by placing the blame on himself and saying he was bad boyfriend. He just basically said that he wanted to take his time, and that he didn't care what other people thought. I guess I do care what people think. It's been a very long, and complicated road to get to where I am right now. I had a tough time within the kayaking community that I belonged to because the gossip train was long, and vast. Anyway, I always cared what people thought of me, and I suppose I do to some extent still.

I'm really going to work on liking myself, regardless of other people's opinions. I also need to forget about being engaged for a good year. I get distracted very easily, so hopefully after my friends wedding is over, I can let the whole marriage notion go for a while. Sigh. I hate waiting, and secrets.

Good news, FIVE MORE DAYS. I'm really excited, and scared. I hung out with Sarah last week to grab some lunch and sell some books back to the school, and she seemed pretty unsure what this program is really going to be like. I have a pretty good idea of what the first quarter will be like, but after that I really have no clue. I can only imagine it's going to get more and more complicated as time goes on.

I was chatting with Boyfriend's mother on Sunday at lunch about future school plans, and she seemed in agreement with what I had mentioned. I do plan on getting a bachelors in either RN or RT, but it really depends on how much I like working in RT. I'm glad that I finally can feel comfortable around his family, and know that they like/support me. I think our common interest in the dinosaur has helped bridge a gap between his mom and me. It's a good thing.

Well the dinosaur is singing me the song that means "Please come get me, I pooped my pants and am tired of waiting in my crib". I shall submit to her wills and fancies.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The health bill

I wrote this earlier today and posted it to my facebook page because I was severely tired of republicans whine-a-thon in their status update. I hope some read it, and realized how dumb they sounded. Anyway... here it is:

"I’m so angry… ARGH. I HATE healthcare. I don’t need coverage, even though I have no job and show up in the emergency room for care without insurance. I don’t care that I’m costing the government and my fellow Americans millions and billions of dollars. I don’t want health insurance!! I don’t want big brother telling me to pay taxes on this bill even though I don’t make over 200k. My friend, Bubba, has epilepsy, but I don’t think he deserves health care because he only has seizures, and that’s not so bad, right? I can’t BELIEVE I can stay on my parent’s insurance plan for three more years, WTF?! This is socialism! This is the beginning of the end, and I swear on my right to carry a gun in public that this bill is signaling the end of days (2012, of course). I cannot believe that there are people out there in support for affordable healthcare; it’s insanity. I’d so much rather the government spend the money on defense, and start some more wars that have no basis. I love when our country goes to war for the wrong reasons! Team America all the way!!

Obama must be the antichrist because he wasn’t born in this country. I just realized it last night when he spoke about the bill that passed. He has come to sink this country into a communist rĂ©gime and I am starting to compile the necessary items for survival in this new world. I must fend for myself only, and make sure I come out on top and let the others die (especially if that means with holding health insurance from them). I must watch fox news 24/7, because it’s the only one not controlled by the communist media. If you need me, I’ll be hiding in my bomb shelter with some guns, spaghetti-o’s, 400 tapes of recorded Nascar races, a statue of Reagan, 100 cases of Red Dog and a hope that you don’t take me seriously."

In case you lack a brain, I was using satire. I'm glad that this bill passed, because honestly I think everyone deserves health care. Simple as that. I know that a lot of people disagree with me, but I'm entitled to my opinion on my blog. So yeah.

I don't really feel like writing much today. It's kind of rainy and gloomy today, and I'm bored. I have seven more days left....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring sprung

I hate the past tense of spring (not the seasons, the verb). Sprung sounds like the goop that gets on your shoe after you step on a squishy mushroom. Or some sort of mold that keeps growing on my shower curtain. Anywho.

It's Tuesday, so I am here with Mademoiselle Dinosaur for the day. I only have two more weeks of babysitting her, so I'm sad that I won't get to see her as much when this program starts. She is laying down right now, but I don't think she's asleep because she keeps saying "chat," which is french for cat. I wonder if she is going to grow up to be a cat lady?

Well, this weekend was a bit different. My lovelyface cousin was in town, and we went out with some friends on Friday night. I drank faaaaar too much and paid dearly to the toilet gods. At least I didn't have much of a hangover the next day. Saturday and Sunday I just hung out and lounged around. I bought two books to read before I have all my free time snatched away, Little Women and Blink. I read Little Women a looong time ago, but it's just such a great book that I wanted to get back into it. I love Malcolm Gladwell, and I've already read Outliers.

Boyfriend and I had a bit of a fight on Sunday, but everything was resolved when he got home later that day. Learning to fight fairly is always a hard task when the other one pisses you off. Luckily Boyfriend is understanding and we just talked it out.

I'm still obsessed with being engaged. I can sit and argue in my psyche for hours over this, honestly. Logically, I know that it's a stupid over-hyped ritual that drains money out of Boyfriends pockets for a ridiculous ring. Logically, I don't need to go through the process of being engaged right now, because I will get distracted from school work trying to plan the wedding. Logically, I am still too young to be getting married. However, emotionally, I want this so badly. I want that commitment from him, and I want to be able to say, "I'm engaged." So yeah, if only my emotional "intuitive feeler" side would be suppressed, I could give it up. It just gets harder every time someone refers to me as Mrs. Boyfriend. I know he wants to surprise me with it and everything, but damn, getting engaged in a freaking castle in France is beyond cool. Ok, fuck, I'll shut up about this already. Stupid Disney princess movies brainwashing little girls... pfffft.

Twelve more days until I start this new quarter. It's going to be different, and hopefully I will really like my teachers. The way it works at my school for the RT program is like this: 1. You get accepted into the school and start taking prerequisite classes such as AP 1&2, Micro, Physics, Algebra/Pre-calc, English etc. 2. You submit application for the program. It's a first come, first serve basis, and you need at least a 2.5 GPA to get in. 3. You get accepted, and wait for the spring quarter for the start of your second year (which took FOREVER for me because I had 6 months to kill after being officially accepted).

The RT program has two classrooms (I think) in the Health Science building. I'm kind of excited to move from the main classroom building where I had the prereqs, to the HS building. It just seems more exclusive, and plus I get to wear scrubs all the time. The first quarter will be all didactic, and then in the summer I'll start clinicals. Hopefully I'll be placed at Emory, but that's only if I'm a really top notch student... I suppose it's up to my teachers to place us.

Weeeell. I need to get the dinosaur up for some lunch-a-munch. Maybe I'll have some more coffee if I'm feelin all craaaazy :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Time change

Ick. I got up at 8am on a Sunday morning because of the stupid time change. I guess it's good that I had to get up and be awake, because starting in TWO WEEKS (fourteen days, to be really exact) this will be the norm. I really need to have faith in myself, and just learn to embrace the mornings. I am soooo not a morning person.

I should hop in the shower now, but Boyfriend is still in there and I don't want to impose upon his coveted bathroom time. We have an engagement with his family today that I desperately do not want to attend, and neither does he. Unfortunately we got guilt tripped into this one today, and I'm slightly peeved on how it all went down. Maybe I'll write about how wonderful the event really was later on today, but I reaaaally doubt it.

Ok. Sorry for the short post. I'll tell more later. Oh, btw, I got my books in the mail for this next quarter(!!!).

Saturday, March 6, 2010


21 more days until the program is officially underway. I spent most of Friday afternoon re-learning cardio a&p, and hopefully I will be able to get through to pulmo and nephro after I'm done with cardio. I guess my reasoning is that if I review the basic stuff we learned in a&p, then I can focus on the more complex parts for Cardiopulm a&p. I posted this on facebook, and immediately I had a few of the girls in my program commenting on how good I was for reviewing. Honestly, I am not doing it to get ahead of them, I am doing this for my benefit. There's a difference.

Most of the time I'm pretty impartial to the competition in between all of us RT students. If someone asks how I did on a test, I'll tell them, but I won't go skipping down the halls with the test score written on my forehead (like some people I know...). After reading some of the RT student blogs I noticed that most people get annoyed several times over classmates bragging or whatever. My opinion on this is pretty basic: karma. I think my main focus is going to be on clinicals, honestly. I mean, yes, I do need to learn things, and do well on the tests... but stress out over an A vs. a B isn't going to solve any problems. Since the Atlanta RT market is dried up for new grads, I'll be focusing on forming connections and doing everything possible to assure that I'll have a job when I graduate, period.

I looked on the other day for positions available here in the city, and I was pretty disappointed in what I saw. Most of the positions are requiring at least 2 years of experience. That definitely bummed me out, but there are some other options that I've thought of. I know some people, and more importantly a Hospitalist, in Augusta that could pull some strings and get me a job at MCG's teaching hospital. I'd have a free place to stay while working down there too, so I'd just have to pay for gas for the commute (2 hrs, ick). Anyway, it's a last resort, so I'm just going to have to wait and see what the job market is like here in Atlanta when I graduate next May.

On another note, I went out last night to a pub to hang out with some friends in Decatur. I decided to be conservative and drink only beer, and wow, I learned that yes, you can get a nasty hangover from beer (btw, I don't conform to normal comma grammar because 1. I'm lazy, 2. I think commas are excellent ways to break up sentences and 3. That's how I normally speak). Anyway, Boyfriend is urging me to go out again tonight after we go get some Indian food, but I'm so tired and kind of lethargic. I just don't feel like getting all showered/cleaned up to go out. I like where I'm sitting on the couch. These are my last few weeks of freedom, so maybe I should just rally and get it together. It's looking like Boyfriend isn't giving me much of a choice. I can have all day to lay around tomorrow, plus the Oscars are tomorrow night!!

Le sigh. I guess it's about that time to go put on the makeup and whatnot. I'm sooooooo enthused. I wish you guys could see how excited I am to get off my fluffy couch spot. LAME.

Ah, as a side note, I'm basically recovered from the flu. I still have a cough or whatever, but at least I'm not confined to the bed anymore. AND we bought the tickets for France last week. Very excited about that.

Ok, well it's time to get ready. Lator gators...