Thursday, November 11, 2010


Ok, so I'd really love to tell all of you the really dramatic story that happened this week, but there would be consequences I would rather not deal with if someone important (not that you aren't important, but get the idea) were to read this. Anyway, suffice to say that there are good teachers, mediocre teachers, and bad teachers. Maybe one day when this particular person is retired I can recount the story, because it has serious implications for students and teachers both. For now, I plead the fifth.

I am so tired. So, so so so very tired. Waking up at 4 a.m. on clinical days will do that to you. I did have a good day/week at school. I took a practice CRT exam and finished it in time, and passed the darned thing on my first try! Which is good, because I haven't even had classes on PFT, peds/neonates and home health yet. I did well on the written RRT as well, so that kicks a lot of butt! The clin sims are still a little trixy, but I am working on them each week. My goal is to be passing all of them by February so that I can just focus on clinicals from there out.

My little puppy is snoring on my feet. He is absolutely adorable. I heart him the most. :)

I just have to make it to thanksgiving break, one more week of class, and then I'll be out of school for basically a month. This is the stuff of dreams! I can't wait to sleep in, go for long drives with no destination in mind, stay up past 9 p.m., see some old friends, take my dog for some hikes, make caramel corn, tell ridiculous stories to my gullible cousins at the campfire, drink far too much wine and pretend for a moment that I have a life outside of school these days.

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