Monday, April 19, 2010


Just so everyone knows, I'm not normally a mean person. I like to think of myself as a very chipper (yes I do use this word to describe myself), energetic, sometimes airheaded, happy-go-lucky person. I give everyone a fair chance to be my friend, but there are occasionally people I just don't like for one reason or another. It's really ok, because in my neck of the woods people generally view me as the anti christ when I tell them I 1. Don't believe in god(s) 2. Am a democrat and 3. A very liberal democrat. I guess it's just a trade off; not everyone is going to like me, and I won't like some of the people I come into contact with. I have for the most part just ignored, or avoided people that I didn't like in the past, but now it's just harder to do. Esp when I'm around them so much now. I just have to figure out a way to deal with them that will not offend anyone. Sigh, again.

I got back my first test grade in Cardiopulmonary a&p, and I'm a bit disappointed in it. I think most of the class got b's, and a few people got c's and failed. I guess I shouldn't be whining for getting a 90. I just need to stay on top of studying for the next test because it's over 4 chapters.

I just got the drug list for pharmacology that we have to learn. It kind of makes me want to hurl myself off of a building. I'll be able to do it, but I just need to break it up in to itty bitty pieces and study it every single freaking day.

This past weekend was pretty amazing. A good friend of boyfriend's was in town, and he brought his new girlfriend that's in med school. The weekend was just booked up with fun festivals and running around downtown slightly intoxicated looking for an irish pub to continue drinking at. It really was a good weekend. I'm not too fond of med school student girlfriend anymore though, she kind of ruined my good opinion of her by causing a HUGE scene with her boyfriend while out on Saturday night. Completely uncalled for, and it showed how much of a stuck up ninny penny she is. I have definitely gotten pissed off at boyfriend while out with friends, but I never ever made a huge scene and ruined everyone's party vibe. Don't mess with my party vibe, and you can be my friend forever.

More coffee, more study. Later gators

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