Friday, April 17, 2009

Bones are going to make me pee my pants

Ok, so I have a bit of an update. I made a 98 on the first A&P test. Hurrah again! I was looking over my test in lab the other day and caught two mistakes on the test. My professor counted points off for spelling peptide wrong (in which it wasn't spelled wrong), and also when you break a carb down it's called dehydration (and not hydrolysis like she thought it was). I try not to over analyze a test, but I'll be damned if I let the professor short me a few extra points that I deserve. I did get one question wrong about positive/negative feedback, and I still don't understand that stuff. Oh well.

So you would think on my day off of school that I'm studying. Well, I do plan to eventually get around to it, but I can't help a little slacking. I just drank two cups of coffee and I seriously have an urge to get another one. Plus I'm catching up on all of my favorite blogs that I haven't been able to read in a while (pharyngula, RT 101: just keep breathing, and Sometimes I breathe). All of these guys are hilarious.

Anyway, so we're starting bones next week. I've been kind of weary of this chapter since I usually flirted with the boy next to me in my health occupations class during the chapter on bones. Luckily now, I have a boyfriend to come home to every afternoon and have no need to flirt with boys in class (as I recall there's a grand total of 3 in my lab). Haha. I'll find a way to learn the bones, but it just might take me a little longer than I want. I have all the cranial bones down because I did a paper for a bio-anthro class on cranial capacity, and well, I was a nerd about it. I'll probably just have to spend a lot of extra time in the lab with the skeleton I named 'Crazy Pants'.

Let's see. Today is my first day back at the gym! I know, I know. I slacked all winter, and I have paid for that dearly. I'm trying to not eat total junk food, but it's hard when I only have ten minutes between class changes and gummy worms are the only thing left that I want in the vending machine. I kind of keep an eye on my weight fluctuations, and I've learned through experience that I would only be miserable as a size two. I am by no means a fatty. I am a comfortable size 6 who will occasionally go down to a size 4. This summer I'd be pretty happy at a 4, so that's what I'm aiming for. Celery anyone?

Anywho. I guess that's all I've got today. I have successfully procrastinated for about an hour, and any minute I will be called upon to run errands and go to the gym.

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