Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So I'm really sitting here watching The Princess Diaries when I should be going over more histology for my lab final tomorrow. I have a real love hate relationship this quarter with the lab. I think most of the hate comes from a certain teacher that I have a strong disliking for. I do have to say that I love lab time when I don't feel rushed. Anyway, I'll be rid of this teacher in 8 days, and will never once again have to sit through a miserable lecture that isn't worth the 12$ I pay in gas to get to and from school every day. Should I ask for a refund at the end of the quarter?

I feel like I'm just being a serious asshole right now. I could be way more on top of school work, but that is a hard feat to accomplish at the end of a looong drawn out of summer spent curled up next to books.

School aside, things are better on the home front. I'll soon be making the great two mile move to another residence, and I'll actually be able to fully appreciate the new surrounding by holing up on the *new* mattress that is in route now. I love me some sleep.The moving part is pretty much going to suck, I won't lie. Thankfully, since Atlanta has such small flats I am already being forced (not against my will, or anything) to get rid of some items that I hold dear. Mostly some old ratty tshirts that symbolize my childhood. Hah.

There are a few other points that I'm going to bring up now and then, mostly because they will have direct relevance (most undoubtedly), but for now I'll just stick with some disclaimers. If you have any issues with the disclaimers, then I will probably suggest now that you just not read the blog, k?

1. I do cuss and say mean things occasionally. The cursing hasn't recently gotten me into trouble, but it could move into some dangerous territory (ie: Sudan) if I have a proctor in a hospital that doesn't like when other people take the lords name in vein while sticking an ABG.

2. I am not affiliated with any sort of religion. Call me whatever you like, but the simple truth of the matter is that no one can prove the existence of god(s) to me unless Krishna, Buddha, Mohammad, or JC (etc etc of course) knocking on my front door asking if we can have a chat. I've studied philosophy before, and don't really care to get into the 'there fores' anymore. I really believe in the science of here and now, rather than contemplating an eternity in a fictitious inferno to guilt me into believing something ridiculous. Anyway. I bet you can tell I've got a lot more of that where it's coming from, but I'll save that sparkly fun gem for a whole new post.

3. This is a weird thing to write about, but it's crossed my mind a few times. I never think of this blog getting much attention, except from maybe a few colleagues in respiratory therapy, but just in case I'll go ahead and say it. I want to keep this blog anonymous for the most part. A few people know who I am, and that's cool. I would like to avoid writing about anything on here that would cause drama/liability issues if I happen to write about some sensitive issues. So yeah.... just don't bother asking me if I am a friend of a friend of a friend.

4. Sometimes I will talk at random about really weird, strange, and completely left field things. I usually will ramble a lot and speak in code that is really only comprehensible to myself, and maybe the boy. Just skip to the next post if it's boring.

5. My editing skills suck because I haven't really bothered to learn all the ends and outs of blogger yet. Sometime I might get a bit more creative with it if I get bored.

6. I live in Atlanta, Ga. I don't just live close to the city, but smack in the fucking middle center (more commonly known as midtown). I regard the city with a lot of respect because it allows me to live in a community that isn't obsessed with the republican party, the nra, or the baptist church (formally know as every where else in Georgia). I like noodling around in all of the neighborhoods and learning all the short cuts that will keep me far away from traffic. There have been some issues with the city though, mainly a few car break ins and stupid hair salons sucking money from my soul to color/cut my hair.

7. I have a very serious relationship with a live in serious boyfriend. He's truly the greatest guy, ever. I love him very very very much.

8. I'm running out of disclaimers, so I guess this will be my last. I do have issues with authority figures as of recently. I haven't ever really being much of a confrontation person, mostly I'll just mount a silent revolution against a person in my mind when I don't like them. But now I just feel empowered to speak up for what I think is right to the best of my knowledge. Recently this involves me asking a teacher (who I pay) to learn how to teach. I suppose I should work on the wording a bit more :)

So instead of disclaimers, those points really came out like "let's get to know ____" today. I decided that I'm going to use a pen name, now that I have indeed decided on making this blog anonymous. This isn't an easy task, and will require a bit of thought. Ok. I'm going to think about it for five minutes, and what I come up with will just have to stick. Ohhh I have the perfect one. When I was in preschool I wanted to change my name from ____ ______ to Ariel Unicorn. Combining my two favorite things, The Little Mermaid and Unicorns, made total sense for a 4 year old. I'll just refer to myself as Ariel from now on. She's the coolest Disney princess in my book.

Cool. Got a lot accomplished on this blog, but not so much for school. Sigh. Oh well. I will have to seriously just not show up for the rest of the tests to fail this quarter, so as long as I show up and take the tests I will be in the program.


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