Friday, December 18, 2009

Waiting some more...

Hello all. There's not a whole lot going on in my world right now. I'm just prepping for the holidays, and babysitting boyfriend's niece right now. Babysitting sure does beat having a part time mall job, or even worse... another restaurant job.

So, fall quarter wrapped up last week, and I've been taking advantage of my free time by watching Lost seasons 1-5 in preparation for Feb. Too bad boyfriend loathes Lost.

I have about a month off from school. I was hoping to take some sort of week long vacation, but it's looking like the only thing I've got on my schedule is a two day trip to the cabin with friends. The next quarter starts on Jan 4th. I'm taking 3 classes, mostly just to keep my loans coming in. I think I've got another computer course, study skills (oh joy), and interpersonal relationships and development. Computer course and Interpersonal classes are both online, and the study skills class meets once a week. I wish you could tell how enthusiastic I am about all of this.... but, oh well..

I just have a little over 3 more months until the program starts. I'm so excited that I could seriously pee in my pants. My first quarter in the program will be Cardiopul A&P and Pharmacology. I'm kind of scared of pharm, but cardiopul shouldn't be too terrible since I rocked the AP text on cardio and pul this past summer. I will probably bust out my AP book and brush up on both while I'm still waiting.

It kind of sucks that I won't have classes with any of my buddies this quarter. One of my friends will be taking classes, but all online, and the other one is just not taking any. I'll probably still hang out with them a few times a month, so not all is lost. I'm really counting on them for a good study group when March rolls around. I don't want to use their real names here... so nicknames will have to do...

The younger one (closer to my age), is Sarah. She is pretty wacky, and totally funny. I pretty much was her friend from day one, and most of our classes this summer were the same. I have lunches with her at least once a week. She and I have a lot more in common than the other friend... who I shall call Cynthia. Cynthia is fairly older than me (early 40's), and she is completely type A workaholic. She's absolutely hilarious and shares the same sarcastic sentiments towards terrible teachers like I do. Of the three of us, Cynthia is much more concerned with getting A's all the time. Part of that is just her, and the other part has to do with her acceptance into the program (she had to apply at the last deadline, when all other students applied too. I applied early). I really hope she gets in, and I've got my fingers crossed for her.

Anyway. The dinosaur (little niece) has woken up from her slumber, so I shall tame the beast with a bottle. I'll write soooooon...

Friday, November 13, 2009





...and wait some more. Why not take some boring bullshit classes while you're at it, just so you can keep your parents health insurance?

Errr. Yeah, about next quarter. I have to take even more random and soul sucking classes. I just want 3 months off before the madness starts in March. I guess it's a little too much to ask right now. I will survive.

I probably won't be taking French next quarter because 1. It's expensive 2. It's super slow and not doing much for brain stimulation 3. I will probably be better off with a new rosetta stone and 3 or 4 days a week practicing it on my own and with boyfriend. I like my teacher, but it's just going to take forever to get through that, and well, starting in March I won't want to continue with the lessons while I'm in school.

I'm so glad that the holiday season is close. There's just so much stuff going on. Thanksgiving, My Birthday (24!!), Christmas, and then New Years. I'm really counting on those events to catapult me into the next year. Then, I'll only have a few more months to get through and then I'll be in the program. Le Sigh.

Yawn. I'm kind of sleepy. I have some work to do for my computer class tonight, so I'll probably just stay in tonight, or just go out to dinner w/ boyfriend. Last weekend we went on a random roadtrip, so I'm pretty content with just hanging out this weekend. I have to have just down time every now and then. The apartment is slowly becoming a mess, so I'll probably clean, and try to start decorating.

It's so funny that I started this blog for my journey though RT school, but now it's just evolved into a life style blog. I bet you're thinking I'm pretty lazy most of the time. Heh. You're probably right. Anyway, eventually it will get back to being about school, but right now school is about as eventful as watching a tomato plant grow.

K. Time to go for a walk. Later gators

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Education Limbo

I hate my classes right now. They seriously blow so much ass. I have to write another speech, for the umpteenth million time, and this time it actually has to be good. I know I'll eventually get to it today, and fortunately it only has to be a rough draft.

Boyfriend is in uber stressed out/cracked out mode right now, so as he is flitting around the apartment trying to get things done, I just want to sit on my ass and wake up. I'm getting progressively more irritated at the hints he's throwing at me to clean up this place. I will not give into peer pressure right now. I am enjoying my coffee and slowly coming out of my sleep coma.

Ahh. Good morning, allergies.

I am really looking forward to next March. I just want to take classes that actually will pertain to my degree. I want to do clinicals, and I want to take classes on Respiratory Therapy. Oh well... I suppose it will be another five months. Until then, I'll just read some blogs on RT :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Late night whackness

Today was just one of those weekend days. A very very lazy Sunday that consisted of nothing but laying around. I guess I did do some dishes, but completely neglected my ever-expanding load of laundry. There is one thing on earth that I loathe(d) more than doing laundry, and that was distance pyramids consisting of 2k, 4k, 5k etc. I hated distance. Anyway, sorry for that random tangent.

I got my official acceptance letter today in the mail. I'll probably put it aside so that it won't get trapped under my legal pads on my messy desk. I need to catch up on a massive amount of clerical work, and it all ends up on a few stacks of brainstorming legal pads. There's no reason for my acceptance letter to suffer for my disorganization. Hehe. Perhaps a run to target or ikea might help out with the clutter.

Anyway. There have been some things on my mind lately. Clutter, I guess. Clutter is an unfortunate part of being who I am. I try to keep it in somewhat of organized chaos, but even then it still exists. Oh well.

Argh. Well I'm tired and I'm kind of out words for the moment. Strange, eh? Lator gators...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Totally forgot to mention this...

So in the wake of my terrible funk of this past week, I forgot to say that I GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE RT PROGRAM!! I'm pretty excited about that, but I kind of knew it was going to happen anyway. I mean, I calculated my grades, and knew what the requirements for acceptance were... but hurrah anyway!! I found out a few days ago when I looked at my transcript online and saw that the "pre-respiratory therapy" status had been changed to "Accepted Respiratory Therapy". :)

Two other gals were also accepted to the program along with me, so we've been giving each other high fives. So far I think there are about 8 of us that are slated to start the program in March. A few of my friends will be applying for the program after this quarter is over in December, and I kind of feel bad for them because they are taking Chemistry right now with Math. Good thing I did Chem a long time ago, otherwise I would have wanted to crawl under a rock and die if I had to take it again.

There's always a little bit of gossip going around the school here and there, and occasionally I'll take stock in what someone is saying. The other day I heard someone mention that the RT and Vet Tech program might be put on suspension (ie the program would be canceled for a few years) until the need for RT's (and vet tech) becomes present again. The recession has been effecting Atlanta hospitals recently, and a few of the recent RT graduates from my school were not able to get a job when they graduated. Of course the gossip is probably false, because they wouldn't cancel the program on just a few students not finding a job. It's hard to not listen to those rumors, but in the end it's probably just all fooey anyway.

I'm supposed to be writing/practicing a speech right now, but I'm much more concerned with finishing my coffee. As usual

So Halloween is a few weeks away and I'm pretty excited about my awesome costume. Yes, it's super slutty, and yes I know that it's about the only time of the year I can get away with it. I'll post up a picture later on :)

Alright. I've done about as much procrastination as I can possibly manage today. I neeeeed to get this speech banged out. It doesn't help that I'm just not interested in school at all right now. Bah


I'm in one of those fucking funks again. Just, I don't even know. I feel like I've lost a lot of edge, and I'm just being one lazy fuck. It just won't quit raining in Atlanta, and I am sleeping until 12:30 pm each day. This funk started when we moved. I really think I'm just not adjusting to living in this new apartment yet. Perhaps when I start decorating it will really sink in.

Well, it's not just the moving part. I really just can't explain why I'm feeling this way. I hope there's something I can do to fix this, or maybe it's just going to work itself out on it's own. I know I'm not depressed, but there's just something off.

I need to spend an afternoon browsing around a bookstore. I need to go for a hike by myself. I need an animal. I need to brush my teeth. I need to feel like I am the biggest catch in the world, and any guy would be lucky to have me around. I guess I just need to live life one day at a time.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall in Atlanta

I can always tell when it's fall for me. There's one day that I wake up, walk outside, and instantly get a little shiver. It's just the way that the wind blows up under my hair and sends goosebumps down my arm. I like it.

Fall is fun. There's so much going on just in the month of October. It just seems like my whole month is booked solid with fun, interesting things to do. I'm excited that I don't have to spend a whole shit load of time working and stressing on school, honestly. I'm enjoying a little peace and quiet during the day without listening to teachers I dislike, oh wait. Never mind....

So the fall quarter started today. I'm taking two online courses (do the work and you get an A type deal), and Speech which is on campus. I left my apartment this morning at 9:40 a.m. to get to my class at 10:30. Plenty of time in my mind, WRONG. The traffic light leading up to school is JAMMED for two miles back. I panicked a little and then bypassed the jam and went through the back entrance. There were no parking spaces. Apparently there's a record number of new students attending this quarter, and they were all parked in my parking spaces! Sigh. So I did what any normal being (that didn't want to be the late person coming in), and I parked in the visitor's parking.

Got to class. Met my friend and had a seat with her. The teacher introduces herself and I can really only describe her best as a southern belle that is waaaay over that hill. She's constantly got that twang on her tongue and I doubt she's ever uttered at cuss word in her life. Her current vocabulary consists of : "Bless your little heart", "Oh mah goodness" (pronounced just like that), and "You wheel (not will, but wheel) need to buy my one billion dollar book that I wrote *especially* fowher (you get the point, right) y'all". Ok, maybe some of it is exaggerated, but it's the main point. This woman is super bubbly all. the. time. I am theorizing that she might be like Dexter, you know, all clean and shiny on the surface, but deep down fantasizes about mutilating each and every one of our faces with a Paula Deen cookbook...

The class is straight up going to be boring busy work and lots of time spent thinking of outfits to wear when I give my speech. I've been itching to go shopping lately, but I just bought myself a spiffy little purse and I will have to put off fall shopping for a while until I can save a few hundred and go slightly crazy at jcrew. Fall fashion is my second favorite (summer being first, of course).

The update on the new place goes like this: It was a very quick move, but unpacking has been plagued by procrastination. I have a deadline to have everything out by Oct. 17th. The boy and I are throwing a little get together and I might as well have my shit together. Decorating is proving to be somewhat of a task, because I have a problem. I am one of those people that get sooo jazzed up about a project. I will spend hours contemplating and outlining what I want to do, and how I'm going to do it. Then, when I'm ready to start, I'll do about 20% of the work and take an extended break. I always try to tell myself that I'll get back to it after a nap, but usually it's either: a. just never gets done b. i put it off until boyfriend starts hinting that we should do it together (that's what she said. heh) or c. i finish it.... three and a half weeks later when I find my original plans under a pile of legal pads.

So it's late, and I don't have class tomorrow. You know what that means? I get to sleep in until infinity because I can!! No more 7:30am labs... for now...


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Done for six months

Celebration ensues....

Well I'm finally done with my prerequisites for the Respiratory program at my school. I finished up A&P 2 and Microbiology with the exact same grade (two B's). I wish that I had taken these classes separately, because I know that I could have done a lot better if I had the time to focus on just one. Anyway, it's over and done with and I'll be applying to the program this very afternoon. I guess I should hear back from the program director within a few weeks.

So. What am I doing in the mean time?

I am planning to move in three days, and have absolutely no motivation to pack this place up at all. I know that eventually I will get to it today, but I'm being really lazy and reading a whole lot of news articles on Obama's speech last night (By the way I thought he did an excellent job. Shame on you Rep. Wilson). I have a whole sheet of paper with a list of ten million things to do, and I keep telling myself that I will do it when I finish my coffee... I'm on my second cup now. Heh.

So I have about six months before the program starts. Half a year. I seriously wish that I could start sooner, but lamenting over this will do me no good. I do have a few plans, and hopefully it will keep my sanity together.

1. I'll still be taking classes at school to keep me full time (and keep my financial aid going). So far this next quarter I'll be taking a few courses on computers, and speech.

2. I am committed to getting my lazy ass back in the gym. I don't really care about losing weight, but being able to climb a few stairs without passing out is a good thing.

3. French classes at the local Alliance Francaise. I made a promise a while ago that I would learn French, and it's about time that I take some steps to make good on that promise. The main thing is focusing on spoken French, because I'm over taking French 1101's in college that just detail grammar and vocabulary. I need to learn to get over my fears of speaking French.

4. Read some really good books, and take advantage of the new residence's pool while I can.

I'm sure there will be some additions to that list, but for the time being it sounds good to me.

Ok. Coffee is done. I will resume my duties as the packing minion immediately.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So I'm really sitting here watching The Princess Diaries when I should be going over more histology for my lab final tomorrow. I have a real love hate relationship this quarter with the lab. I think most of the hate comes from a certain teacher that I have a strong disliking for. I do have to say that I love lab time when I don't feel rushed. Anyway, I'll be rid of this teacher in 8 days, and will never once again have to sit through a miserable lecture that isn't worth the 12$ I pay in gas to get to and from school every day. Should I ask for a refund at the end of the quarter?

I feel like I'm just being a serious asshole right now. I could be way more on top of school work, but that is a hard feat to accomplish at the end of a looong drawn out of summer spent curled up next to books.

School aside, things are better on the home front. I'll soon be making the great two mile move to another residence, and I'll actually be able to fully appreciate the new surrounding by holing up on the *new* mattress that is in route now. I love me some sleep.The moving part is pretty much going to suck, I won't lie. Thankfully, since Atlanta has such small flats I am already being forced (not against my will, or anything) to get rid of some items that I hold dear. Mostly some old ratty tshirts that symbolize my childhood. Hah.

There are a few other points that I'm going to bring up now and then, mostly because they will have direct relevance (most undoubtedly), but for now I'll just stick with some disclaimers. If you have any issues with the disclaimers, then I will probably suggest now that you just not read the blog, k?

1. I do cuss and say mean things occasionally. The cursing hasn't recently gotten me into trouble, but it could move into some dangerous territory (ie: Sudan) if I have a proctor in a hospital that doesn't like when other people take the lords name in vein while sticking an ABG.

2. I am not affiliated with any sort of religion. Call me whatever you like, but the simple truth of the matter is that no one can prove the existence of god(s) to me unless Krishna, Buddha, Mohammad, or JC (etc etc of course) knocking on my front door asking if we can have a chat. I've studied philosophy before, and don't really care to get into the 'there fores' anymore. I really believe in the science of here and now, rather than contemplating an eternity in a fictitious inferno to guilt me into believing something ridiculous. Anyway. I bet you can tell I've got a lot more of that where it's coming from, but I'll save that sparkly fun gem for a whole new post.

3. This is a weird thing to write about, but it's crossed my mind a few times. I never think of this blog getting much attention, except from maybe a few colleagues in respiratory therapy, but just in case I'll go ahead and say it. I want to keep this blog anonymous for the most part. A few people know who I am, and that's cool. I would like to avoid writing about anything on here that would cause drama/liability issues if I happen to write about some sensitive issues. So yeah.... just don't bother asking me if I am a friend of a friend of a friend.

4. Sometimes I will talk at random about really weird, strange, and completely left field things. I usually will ramble a lot and speak in code that is really only comprehensible to myself, and maybe the boy. Just skip to the next post if it's boring.

5. My editing skills suck because I haven't really bothered to learn all the ends and outs of blogger yet. Sometime I might get a bit more creative with it if I get bored.

6. I live in Atlanta, Ga. I don't just live close to the city, but smack in the fucking middle center (more commonly known as midtown). I regard the city with a lot of respect because it allows me to live in a community that isn't obsessed with the republican party, the nra, or the baptist church (formally know as every where else in Georgia). I like noodling around in all of the neighborhoods and learning all the short cuts that will keep me far away from traffic. There have been some issues with the city though, mainly a few car break ins and stupid hair salons sucking money from my soul to color/cut my hair.

7. I have a very serious relationship with a live in serious boyfriend. He's truly the greatest guy, ever. I love him very very very much.

8. I'm running out of disclaimers, so I guess this will be my last. I do have issues with authority figures as of recently. I haven't ever really being much of a confrontation person, mostly I'll just mount a silent revolution against a person in my mind when I don't like them. But now I just feel empowered to speak up for what I think is right to the best of my knowledge. Recently this involves me asking a teacher (who I pay) to learn how to teach. I suppose I should work on the wording a bit more :)

So instead of disclaimers, those points really came out like "let's get to know ____" today. I decided that I'm going to use a pen name, now that I have indeed decided on making this blog anonymous. This isn't an easy task, and will require a bit of thought. Ok. I'm going to think about it for five minutes, and what I come up with will just have to stick. Ohhh I have the perfect one. When I was in preschool I wanted to change my name from ____ ______ to Ariel Unicorn. Combining my two favorite things, The Little Mermaid and Unicorns, made total sense for a 4 year old. I'll just refer to myself as Ariel from now on. She's the coolest Disney princess in my book.

Cool. Got a lot accomplished on this blog, but not so much for school. Sigh. Oh well. I will have to seriously just not show up for the rest of the tests to fail this quarter, so as long as I show up and take the tests I will be in the program.


Monday, August 24, 2009

More studying, more personal problems

I try to keep my reaaaally personal life out of the blog. It's hard sometimes, because I'm trying to use this blog as a complete vent source about school. I've kept diaries before, and I always blended school and home life intertwined together like chunky monkey ice cream (yes, bananas and walnuts go together like a dream).

This blog is different. I just need to keep that in mind. It's really hard sometimes, especially when my friends are MIA when I tried to call them tonight. I did talk to my mom for a minute, but it wasn't enough to really get out any frustrations. I suppose the best way to explain the situation without involving any details is that I'm having issues trying to improve in my relationship, and keeping the boat above water in school.

Sometimes the feeling of inadequacy is just ever-present. It's an impending cloud that's grey, and dense, and has no signs of ever passing. This cloud hasn't always been there. I know it won't stay there forever, and eventually it will pass. It's really blocking what I love most, the sun. The sun will always shine, and I will too.

School's been the most intense class 5 series of rapids. The minute I get past one insane drop, it all starts over on the next without pause. Taking a second to hop into an eddy is pure bliss, but could also mean a disastrous turn into a re-circing hole. That's where I feel like I am right now. Stuck in a hole that is tossing me around like a towel in a washing machine. Perhaps soon I will resurface for air.

I know my mood is generally pretty chipper, and I always take a positive outlook on life. Nothing ever good comes from constantly being agitated and annoyed. I will occasionally let myself listen to really depressing music (Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, Moonlight Sonata, etc. etc.), and it usually helps me to cry it out a bit. It's pretty late, but I don't really see an end to this pathetic whiny blog entry while Nora Jones is on pandora...

So anyway, a true update on school. It's a fairly good chance I will come out of this quarter alive. Taking Microbiology and A&P2 together is just fucking ridiculous. I know I'll be fine for acceptance into the program and everything, so I just have to get through the next two weeks. Two weeks and then I will have relatively easy classes for 6 months.

Btw, I'm an ENFP, if anyone's interested in Keirsy temperment testing.

Today was rough. School was so-so, but the personal life has been failing a lot lately. Fucking inadequacies. Sometimes I wish I was the perfect person for him, but sometimes I really wonder if I'm good enough. What a terrible thought to have in my mind.

I just have two more weeks, and I'll be able to take a second for myself. Unwind this ball of yarn that is so tightly wound.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Beat down

I know this blog has taken a back seat lately. I don't think I've even posted since the last quarter was over. This last month has been insanity. Taking Microbiology and A&P 2 together was a good idea to me since it meant I would most definitely enter the program in early registration, but it has just drained me. Mentally, physically, and most definitely emotionally. I just don't have the time to fuck around like I used to. I know that things will change once this quarter is over (THREE MORE WEEKS), and I'll be happy that I finished my prereqs early and got accepted. Sigh. It still sucks because I'm totally bogged down with what seems like an unbelievable amount of work.

I have three weeks left, and like, a million more tests to study for. I'm just aiming to make B's in these classes really. I can't imagine pulling two A's. I just don't have it in me this quarter. Anyway, there's not a lot I can do but just commit to the workload and pray that I don't bomb these tests this week. I did a little too much slacking this weekend, but hopefully I can find some Crack Cocaine this week and shoot it up before my study sessions. Hah.

Side note: Does anyone remember the Always Sunny In Philadelphia episode when Sweet D and Dennis become Crack addicts so they can be on welfare? "I would like one crack, please." Looove that episode.

Right now I'm in Epidemiology and the Urinary system. I do have to say that these two sections have been my least favorite so far. Urinary is just so boring to me. I wished that we spent more time in the Respiratory section, but my teacher is a fucking RETARD and rambled on into Urinary before she adequately explained Respiratory. Fucking idiot. I can't wait to write a lovely little note to her at the end of the quarter blasting her for her inadequacies as a teacher. I spend too much extra time studying to make up for her bullshit. But whatever, I couldn't transfer to another class due to scheduling conflicts. fuck. me.

Alright, enough rambling today. I have to finish the Urinary section tonight, otherwise I won't be able to study Micro at all tomorrow. I am soooo tired of this run-around. I know it's not going to get any better until about the 2nd week in September.

Later gators

Monday, June 1, 2009

Brain goop

I now see why I was a liberal arts major before....

I am actually a few days away from being done with my first quarter. It went by pretty fast, and as things are winding down I am becoming increasingly overwhelmed with work. I think trying to fit 4 month's worth of Anatomy and Physiology into 2 months is almost impossible without going a tad bit insane. The good news is that unless I royally screw up, I'm going to get an A in A&P and a B in Physics. I was hoping for two A's, but I'll settle with a B in Physics since my brain just doesn't comprehend any of that stuff.

Sigh. I just need to step away from the computer for a while. I'm going on vacation with the boy in ten days, so at least I'll be able to relax then. I'll give a post after the quarter is ovah.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lack of sleep

Yawn. I have been yawning for the last 3 hours. I am just freaking exhausted. I had a reaaaaaaaaally long weekend followed by a test today in A&P. I could have swore to the flying teapot in the sky that I made a B on the test (due to having such a crazy weekend), but miraculously I actually made a 95. It was just strange that I pulled it off without much studying this weekend. I guess I just stayed on top of things for the most part. The really really really crappy thing is that I have a lab midterm next week along with a physics test... Booo. It's going to be pretty intense, so I will need to spend some extra time in the lab this week for sure.

I guess I could go into my crazy weekend, but I'd rather not get into it, because well I'm really too lazy to write it all out. Suffice to say that it was fun :0)

What I would like to talk about is how I've noticed caterpillars getting squished on the sidewalks at school. It's so unfair. I just want to put up a sign for a Caterpillar crosswalk. Seriously.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bones are going to make me pee my pants

Ok, so I have a bit of an update. I made a 98 on the first A&P test. Hurrah again! I was looking over my test in lab the other day and caught two mistakes on the test. My professor counted points off for spelling peptide wrong (in which it wasn't spelled wrong), and also when you break a carb down it's called dehydration (and not hydrolysis like she thought it was). I try not to over analyze a test, but I'll be damned if I let the professor short me a few extra points that I deserve. I did get one question wrong about positive/negative feedback, and I still don't understand that stuff. Oh well.

So you would think on my day off of school that I'm studying. Well, I do plan to eventually get around to it, but I can't help a little slacking. I just drank two cups of coffee and I seriously have an urge to get another one. Plus I'm catching up on all of my favorite blogs that I haven't been able to read in a while (pharyngula, RT 101: just keep breathing, and Sometimes I breathe). All of these guys are hilarious.

Anyway, so we're starting bones next week. I've been kind of weary of this chapter since I usually flirted with the boy next to me in my health occupations class during the chapter on bones. Luckily now, I have a boyfriend to come home to every afternoon and have no need to flirt with boys in class (as I recall there's a grand total of 3 in my lab). Haha. I'll find a way to learn the bones, but it just might take me a little longer than I want. I have all the cranial bones down because I did a paper for a bio-anthro class on cranial capacity, and well, I was a nerd about it. I'll probably just have to spend a lot of extra time in the lab with the skeleton I named 'Crazy Pants'.

Let's see. Today is my first day back at the gym! I know, I know. I slacked all winter, and I have paid for that dearly. I'm trying to not eat total junk food, but it's hard when I only have ten minutes between class changes and gummy worms are the only thing left that I want in the vending machine. I kind of keep an eye on my weight fluctuations, and I've learned through experience that I would only be miserable as a size two. I am by no means a fatty. I am a comfortable size 6 who will occasionally go down to a size 4. This summer I'd be pretty happy at a 4, so that's what I'm aiming for. Celery anyone?

Anywho. I guess that's all I've got today. I have successfully procrastinated for about an hour, and any minute I will be called upon to run errands and go to the gym.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Le sigh

Soo, as for the first A&P test...

1. It's over, thank the flying teapot in the sky
2. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be
3. It was still hard, though
4. Note to self: Cural does not equal Calf, and water evaporation will not heat up body

That being said, I busted it out and made a 95! As a personal favor to myself, I am giving myself the night off (No Physics!). It's such a great feeling. I'm very proud of myself, and I won't get too cocky or anything, I promise. I'll make up for the missed study time on Friday.

So you might be wondering what festivities will be going on tonight. Well, right now I'm planning on reading my biweekly journal called "The Week" after I'm finished with this blog, and then I am going to read some David Sedaris, because he makes me giggle. There might even be a little debauchery sprinkled in here and there.

Later gators

Friday, April 10, 2009

Microscopes are torture devices

Hi all,

I'm starting to notice my A&P class becoming smaller and smaller. It even looks like one of the girls in my study group won't make it through the first test. I was trying to explain the phenomenon to boyfriend the other day, but he can't understand how a class of 60 people could be reduced to only 8 people passing the class. I swear to the flying teapot in the sky that I will be one of those 8 students. The only explanation I can come up with is that a lot of the students underestimate the difficulty of the class and don't devote the necessary time it takes to learn the material. Anyway, I really need to focus on doing well on this first test. My goal is to make at least a 95%. It's def do-able.

So. The title of the blog needs a bit of explaining. First, a bit of background on my life thus far with a microscope. My mom's a med-tech supervisor at a lab, and during my childhood I would get to run around the lab with slides of stained red blood cells, and get to look at the macrophages of a patient with leukemia. Mom was pretty good about trusting me with their microscopes and I know how to focus a slide like a pro. Now fast forward to yesterday. We had our lab on tissues/mitosis. Our lab runs about 2 hrs long, and during those whole two hours I was staring into a microscope focusing, drawing, and explaining the slides. After about the first hour I was kind of dizzy, and by the second hour it had been like I was shoved into a centrifuge for twenty minutes. I had such a headache and could not focus my eyeballs on anything. I suppose I must get used to this experience, because I've got another lab exactly like this one next week. Woohoo!

So today is my day off from school. I'm drinking coffee and pretty happy in my little corner. Eventually I need to get to studying some material on chemistry, but that will come after lunch. I'm considering taking Saturday night off of work, because last week I spent WAY too much time there and I have the A&P test on Monday. Hopefully Boyfriend's super-duper smart brother-in-law will be at Easter lunch on Sunday so I can get him to explain what the hell Vectors are. My Physics has been suffering due to so much time devoted towards A&P.

I'm actually fairly lucky. I have noticed a lot of the people in my classes have children or work full time. I'm not saying that having children is bad, but when you have a responsibility like that, other school-related responsibilities can be pushed aside to make room for the little ones. Anyway, rock on for birth control.

Well, my coffee's gone, so that means I get to start studying.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I'm tired, you're tired, we are all tired. Do you ever reach that point when you're brain just says 'Screw you, I'm not learning anything else today. Why don't we go play on facebook instead of learning about Mitosis?' Well, that's about where I am right now, except I'm not playing on facebook, but writing on this blog, instead. Are you happy now brain?

When I first started thinking of going into this respiratory program I knew that my social life would pretty much come to an end. I think that's safe to say. I have cancelled on two events in the last week, and I'm sure my friends hate me now. What can I say, getting good grades right now is more important than taking shots of patron and bonding with the ladies. Sigh. I will miss you patron.

Anyway, I am escaping the loft tonight to go get pizza and see "I love you, man". Yes, I do have a test next Monday, but you better be sure I'm spending all day on Friday studying for it :)

Adieu kids

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Start

Well, I've officially been underway with my prereq classes for a week now. I only have four mandatory classes that have to be finished before I can apply to the Res program (A&P, Physics, A&P 2, and Microbio). Right now I'm taking A&P and Physics. I am used to the semester system, so moving from that to a quarter system is going to take a bit of getting used to. It's already moving 3x as fast. The material isn't necessarily hard, but I just have a shorter amount of time to learn it in. I already have a test in A&P next Monday.

I have met about 6 people that are going for the 25 slots in the Respiratory program. I'm sure that there are already about 2 or 3 people that are already in the slots for next March. I am just hoping that I can get these classes done by the end of the summer so I will have a better chance at getting in. The longer that I wait to finish, the less chance I have at being considered. A good number of the potential res therapy people are in my classes already. We've all kind of grouped up, which is good to know that these people are going to be with me in the program next March.
I've picked up on a little bit of competition among the A&P students already, which is naturally good for the production of good test results. My aim on Monday is to be in the top 10% of the class. I think that I'm very capable of that. Just have to study a lot... more.

The drive to school is not too terrible. I'm going against traffic, and I try not to leave anytime close to rush hour. I don't know how well I'll fair next quarter, but for right now it's only about a 30min drive. I'm scared of the gas prices for the summer, because I drive a gas guzzler. We shall see how that turns out...

Right now I'm very happy with the decision I made. I wish that I had the sense to do this right when I got out of HS, but I thought that University was really the right direction for me. It took a recession and a lack of goals to put me where I am today. I made a few mistakes, but what I've learned from them has put me in a better position.

The campus is a whole lot different than what I'm used to. It reminds me of the smaller community college I went to right after I graduated High School, except it's a little less (what's the word...) refined? Maybe I'm just too much of a snob, but I don't find spit cups or inappropriate language interesting. I won't have to deal with that aspect too much once I get into the Res program, so I will just deal with it now.

I'm off to Physics class!

Monday, March 2, 2009

One More Month

Hi Hi. Well, I registered for classes on Friday morning, and then went to Orientation at school later in the afternoon. I'm only taking two classes this quarter, because they are both lab based classes (Physics and Anatomy and Physiology). I'm kind of fretting about the Physics because I absolutely loath it. I wouldn't say I'm terrible at math, but I do hate doing math homework. I've taken statistics and precalc before, so I really shouldn't freak out about a few simple mass word problems. It's a good thing that my boyfriend and his brother in law are good at Physics, because I will need their help for sure. I am completely capable of making two A's in the classes, so that I can have a good GPA when applying for the program. **also, I just found out that 6 of my classes from University transfered to the college. Celebrate!

I have about one more month before classes start, and I honestly wish that they would start tomorrow. I'm really excited about this, and waiting another month is not exactly my idea of fun times. Boyfriend is going to Thailand/China for two weeks soon. I will be all alone and not exactly happy that he's off traveling the world without me. I'm planning on visiting my family, and seeing a few friends that live out of town while he's gone.

Since there's not much else going on, I probably won't write too much before school begins. However, I expect to be using this blog as a bit of procrastination when studying, so you can expect daily logs when the quarter starts :0)

Adieu for now

Friday, February 13, 2009

Why I chose RT school

Here are the facts: I'm twenty three, I live in Atlanta, GA, I went to Georgia State University to pursue a degree in several vague liberal arts degrees, failed miserably due to lack of motivation, and am now starting over.

This is a new era for me. I've blogged before about just random daily happenings that seemed interesting to me, but mostly I wrote to salvage my mental state. Writing is cathartic, and keeps me interested in a particular topic. This blog is dedicated to my new path in life: RT school.

I think that this happens to a lot of people. They go to college, because that's the thing to do, and realize a little to late in the game that this is not exactly where they want to be. I didn't drop out of GSU because of a lack of intelligence, but rather a severe lack of prospects and drive. These days, exiting college with a liberal arts degree means just about one thing for a young lady: administrative assistant. I've done the office work before, and I'd rather scratch my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon than work in an office for the rest of my life. I had no intentions of going to grad school either, mostly because my GPA had suffered, as well an aversion to the snotty liberal arts professors that I encountered on a daily basis.

I have changed my major more than Courtney Love changes her moods (or drugs). I have to admit that I am easily influenced by a lot of ideas, and majors, but the brunt of the blame goes to lack of preparation before I went to University. I just had no clue what I wanted to do in life.

When I finally screamed "ENOUGH" after the last semester of Philosophy (which will do that to you), I started researching other options for a career outside of the traditional University. I researched, researched, and researched some more until I had a short list of medical careers that interested me: Radiologic tech, Dental Hygienist, Ultrasound, Nursing, and Respiratory Therapy. I picked medicine because I spent a good amount of time in High School in Health Occupations (a technical elective that emphasized health care careers), and also participated in a Health Occupations of America conference in Augusta, Ga. Why I did not consider a career in medicine when I got out of High School baffles the shit out of me.

So, back to the list. My task at hand was to minimize the list to three, and then of those three do some shadowing and make a decision. After looking over the job listings for all of them, I ruled out Dental Hygienist. It seems that in Atlanta the job market is slim due to an over abundance of Hygienists, and it's hard to get health insurance from a doctor if you are only working part time. Next to go was Radiologic Tech, because the schools close to Atlanta are very very competitive, and my grades are less than stellar.

So my final three were Ultrasound, Nursing and Respiratory Therapy. The very popular Ultrasound (I think it's because of the 60k salary) is highly saturated here in Atlanta. There are at least 4 schools I can name right off the top of my head, all within the perimeter of the city. I was interested in the program, but was not interested in paying 30k for a "private" school that goes by the name of Sanford Brown (from what I understand they are crooks that are not concerned with education, but rather profit). My list of three, was narrowed to two.

I spent hours, upon hours of looking through blogs and forums on the two careers. I noticed a lot of burn out between both, and decided to go shadow both, and see which job was most stressful. I wish I had some fun stories to tell about my shadowing, but there really wasn't much too it. On the day I did respiratory, I spend 90% of the time neb jockeying around the ICU, but I did get to see the NICU, and was pretty enamoured by that department. I hung out with my aunt for a day, who is a LPN for a family medicine doctor (which also happens to be my physician as well). It was a pretty simple day, a few blood pressures here, a lot of charting there, and good gossip on the hottie new doctor in the next pod over. However, the nurses let me know that they had a "cush" nursing job, and a lot of new nursing grads have to start at the bottom of the totem pole, or as they called it "night shifts at the hospital". One very graphic story of a nurse sealed my fate on being a RN. She recalled a night shift in an ER a very long time ago which involved a very intoxicated college student. The nutshell version is that he threw up on her, and also soiled the bed with a massive amount of...erm... poo.

After I was done with my shadowing, I went to sit in Piedmont park to clear my mind of jargon, and really focus on a decision. I made a pro/con list, and found that they were about even. I wouldn't say that I had an epiphany, but I did remember a specific memory that made up my mind. I was in fourth grade at the time, and had a bad bout of bronchitis. I couldn't stop coughing up phlegm, but the weird thing is that I would sneak looks at what I coughed up in the tissue. Yes, that's right. I played with my boogers. I remember wanting to put the snot under a microscope and look to see what was in it. I was interested in what color it was, the consistancy, and whether I could flick it at the back of Brandon Gipson's head and it would stick.

I am now enrolled in a smallish technical school right outside the perimeter of Atlanta. In a month and a half I will start on a few prerequisites for the program (A&P 1,2, Microbiology, and Physics). Some of my University credit did transfer (English 1101,1102, Precalc, Psychology 1101, and Chem 1211/L). I'll be in school this spring and summer for the prerequisites, and then hopefully I'll know by early September if I'm admitted into the program (I have my fingers crossed!!). The program is a year long, and will start next March. I'm very excited, and so happy that I have a clear path that leads to a goal in life.

I really am starting this blog to help me along on my journey. I hope that it connects me to other Respiratory Therapists, and keeps me modivated towards achieving my goal.