Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall in Atlanta

I can always tell when it's fall for me. There's one day that I wake up, walk outside, and instantly get a little shiver. It's just the way that the wind blows up under my hair and sends goosebumps down my arm. I like it.

Fall is fun. There's so much going on just in the month of October. It just seems like my whole month is booked solid with fun, interesting things to do. I'm excited that I don't have to spend a whole shit load of time working and stressing on school, honestly. I'm enjoying a little peace and quiet during the day without listening to teachers I dislike, oh wait. Never mind....

So the fall quarter started today. I'm taking two online courses (do the work and you get an A type deal), and Speech which is on campus. I left my apartment this morning at 9:40 a.m. to get to my class at 10:30. Plenty of time in my mind, WRONG. The traffic light leading up to school is JAMMED for two miles back. I panicked a little and then bypassed the jam and went through the back entrance. There were no parking spaces. Apparently there's a record number of new students attending this quarter, and they were all parked in my parking spaces! Sigh. So I did what any normal being (that didn't want to be the late person coming in), and I parked in the visitor's parking.

Got to class. Met my friend and had a seat with her. The teacher introduces herself and I can really only describe her best as a southern belle that is waaaay over that hill. She's constantly got that twang on her tongue and I doubt she's ever uttered at cuss word in her life. Her current vocabulary consists of : "Bless your little heart", "Oh mah goodness" (pronounced just like that), and "You wheel (not will, but wheel) need to buy my one billion dollar book that I wrote *especially* fowher (you get the point, right) y'all". Ok, maybe some of it is exaggerated, but it's the main point. This woman is super bubbly all. the. time. I am theorizing that she might be like Dexter, you know, all clean and shiny on the surface, but deep down fantasizes about mutilating each and every one of our faces with a Paula Deen cookbook...

The class is straight up going to be boring busy work and lots of time spent thinking of outfits to wear when I give my speech. I've been itching to go shopping lately, but I just bought myself a spiffy little purse and I will have to put off fall shopping for a while until I can save a few hundred and go slightly crazy at jcrew. Fall fashion is my second favorite (summer being first, of course).

The update on the new place goes like this: It was a very quick move, but unpacking has been plagued by procrastination. I have a deadline to have everything out by Oct. 17th. The boy and I are throwing a little get together and I might as well have my shit together. Decorating is proving to be somewhat of a task, because I have a problem. I am one of those people that get sooo jazzed up about a project. I will spend hours contemplating and outlining what I want to do, and how I'm going to do it. Then, when I'm ready to start, I'll do about 20% of the work and take an extended break. I always try to tell myself that I'll get back to it after a nap, but usually it's either: a. just never gets done b. i put it off until boyfriend starts hinting that we should do it together (that's what she said. heh) or c. i finish it.... three and a half weeks later when I find my original plans under a pile of legal pads.

So it's late, and I don't have class tomorrow. You know what that means? I get to sleep in until infinity because I can!! No more 7:30am labs... for now...


1 comment:

  1. I'll comment on your blogs if you comment on miiiinneee! :)

    Your teacher sounds absolutely horrible. I really hope she doesn't make you talk like her to get an A.

    Fall is my favorite too, I can't stand hot weather, even if it is San Diego hot weather.

    Miss you dude
