Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rx: Vino STAT

I'm going to go ahead and write this before I undergo some massive anxiety treatment with some fluid rounds.

I had to bite my tongue so hard today that I almost cut of circulation for most of the morning. LE SIGH. I'm a competent being. I know what I should be doing. I never ever think I know everything, and I really do strive to learn as much as I can when I'm at clinical.

Things are moving a long. I'm about half way through mechanical ventilation, and the pressure is about to start pouring down on us in this last push before xmas break. I'm keeping my head up and just making sure that I can stomach the final check off that is going to make me pee in my pants.

Well. Venting accomplished, and now to go find some nice corner of the couch with the wine and The Fountainhead.

Later gators

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to be anonymous on the Internet even when you're anonymous.
