Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Totally forgot to mention this...

So in the wake of my terrible funk of this past week, I forgot to say that I GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE RT PROGRAM!! I'm pretty excited about that, but I kind of knew it was going to happen anyway. I mean, I calculated my grades, and knew what the requirements for acceptance were... but hurrah anyway!! I found out a few days ago when I looked at my transcript online and saw that the "pre-respiratory therapy" status had been changed to "Accepted Respiratory Therapy". :)

Two other gals were also accepted to the program along with me, so we've been giving each other high fives. So far I think there are about 8 of us that are slated to start the program in March. A few of my friends will be applying for the program after this quarter is over in December, and I kind of feel bad for them because they are taking Chemistry right now with Math. Good thing I did Chem a long time ago, otherwise I would have wanted to crawl under a rock and die if I had to take it again.

There's always a little bit of gossip going around the school here and there, and occasionally I'll take stock in what someone is saying. The other day I heard someone mention that the RT and Vet Tech program might be put on suspension (ie the program would be canceled for a few years) until the need for RT's (and vet tech) becomes present again. The recession has been effecting Atlanta hospitals recently, and a few of the recent RT graduates from my school were not able to get a job when they graduated. Of course the gossip is probably false, because they wouldn't cancel the program on just a few students not finding a job. It's hard to not listen to those rumors, but in the end it's probably just all fooey anyway.

I'm supposed to be writing/practicing a speech right now, but I'm much more concerned with finishing my coffee. As usual

So Halloween is a few weeks away and I'm pretty excited about my awesome costume. Yes, it's super slutty, and yes I know that it's about the only time of the year I can get away with it. I'll post up a picture later on :)

Alright. I've done about as much procrastination as I can possibly manage today. I neeeeed to get this speech banged out. It doesn't help that I'm just not interested in school at all right now. Bah

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