Monday, October 18, 2010


I like noodling around the hospital. Yes, I made up the verb, noodle (not to be confused with the southern tradition of sicking your hand in a bank of a lake looking for catfish). It once was a noun in my book, but I've converted it. To noodle: to wander aimlessly, like a noodle would on a plate. Doubt that makes much sense to you kids, but oh well. I find noodling around the hospital to be interesting in two ways, 1. I learn the layout of the extra large hospital, and 2. I meet new people, and it always is fun to get lost. I guess that's three ways, but oh well. I enjoy running errands for my CI, because if I take a little extra time I can always blame it on getting lost.

I was at the hospital today, and I'm starting to really enjoy being at the hospital more than school these days. Though, I do get to "sleep in" tomorrow when I go to school, so that's slightly exciting. I can't believe that I consider 6am to be sleeping in. Man that's lame.

I think my brain is about to shut off in about 3 minutes. Time to sign off now. Later gators.

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