Monday, September 27, 2010

marriage: revised

So, a while ago I posted several ranting blogs on how I wanted to get married, et cetera et cetera. Lame. Very very lame of me. I have this stupid, fifth grade idealization of the whole thing and it's just something that was brainwashed into me at a young age.

You graduate high school, then you go to college, get a job, get married, set up a house, and then have babies. That's the expected route. It's the normal route. What people fail to mention to the 10 year old girl watching The Little Mermaid is that marriage sucks, for the most part. Like, 10-20% of marriages are actually happy and are sustained forever.

So why do I keep holding up every single guy to the standard of "the one"? Everyone is doomed unless they meet every single check off on my list.

I really do believe that the loneliness is the hardest part. That's why I'm dealing with dating guys that are mediocre, at their very best. I go through a period of pure bliss and elation when first starting to date a guy and then slowly I start to realize I could never be with that person for long term because A, B, and C. Then what to do?

Fuck et al. Baha. At least I have a really good sense of humor. The important thing I've come to realize is that a woman should never expect a man to stand up and take care of her. That's a spectacular lesson to have learned.

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