Monday, September 6, 2010

Another quarter...

Hi there kids

Long time no see. There are SOOOOO many of you guys reading my blog, right?

Ok, so it's finally the end of the first quarter of my senior year. Geeeet excited! Yeah, that was all supposed to be sarcastic. All of it. Sucks that sarcasm doesn't translate well into text. It's a lost art.

It's my last day of classes tomorrow, and then I'm off to spend 2 weeks out west with my dad. I'm really looking forward to seeing the most beautiful sights and just relaxing for a while. I'm missing two days of school for it, so it better be fantastic. I'm going to go on my own little adventures and see what I can see.

Next stop, mechanical ventilation. Wooohoooo....

Side note: there are people out there that actually like me, for me. It's insanity!!! Finally met one guy from Charleston, and I'm really looking forward to spending more time with him. He's great. What I've always wanted in a guy, really. He seems to reaaaally be into me too. The chemistry between us is ridiculous. So I might not end up at MCG in Augusta after all... MUSC sounds way more fun :) Depends... toooootally depends.


  1. hi,i am a respiratory student also moving to the Atlanta Metro area in the spring of April 2011 and was wondering how was the job market for RRT's.Is the competition rate high? How is the salary in Atlanta,ga?

  2. im new to this whole blogging situation,i just commented about the RRT job market in Atlanta can respond to,thx
