Thursday, June 30, 2011


It's been a while since I've posted, but I wanted to give myself some time to save up stories to share... but I can't say I've got a lot to report at the time. The hospital is really really busy, and I've worked my ass off trying to prove my worth. I feel like I do have to prove myself, even after being at clinical for so long.

Tomorrow's my first paycheck. Hopefully I will weep with happiness after being a broke college kid for faaaar too long.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Wait wait....

I'm finished? Like, completely done with my RT degree? All the tests taken and passed, you say? CRT and RRT??

Just like that. Two years in the making and I've got me a bran spankin new licence. Of course I'm still green as the grass grows, and have a lot of learning ahead of me. Ittttt's pretty cool though.

I'm one of the lucky ones in my class that got a job before graduation (about 1/2 if you're wondering). I'm sure some others will score some positions in the coming weeks. It's hard to come out of school when there's a lull in the hospital admit rate and the RT dept can't justify hiring new students now. A lot of the recent grads that were offered positions had their resumes ready, and networked while in clinical, and busted their butts while at the hospital. I'm sure some people "knew a friend of a friend," but it wasn't the case for the majority of my class.

Anywho (this is still my favorite non-word).

I've got an itch that's gone unscratched for a while... it's bugging me. I wonder how long it's going to take before I break and scratch it. But for now, it's onto orientation and hospital supply closet stocking for me...